Moving Forward With Staff Details


Most notes are written on the staff, but some notes are higher or lower than the staff can show. When a note goes beyond the range of the staff (higher or lower), small horizontal lines are used to show where the staff would be if it had more than five lines and four spaces. These are called Leger Lines (sometimes spelled “ledger lines”).

The words “leger line” appeared around 1700, though the practice of writing leger lines is older. To keep the music from looking cluttered, leger lines are never used unless they’re with a note.

Ledger Lines



Notes on the staff will be either space notes or line notes.
A Space Note is any note which rests within a space of the staff without crossing over a line. A-Line Note is any note split through the middle by a line.

Line and space note alternate, one after the other. After a line note comes to a space note, and after a space note comes a line note.


Pitch is not only something you find in a tree and at a baseball game. As it relates to sound,
Webster’s definition of Pitch is: the property of a sound and especially a musical tone that is determined by the frequency of the waves producing it.

What Pitch Means In Music is the highness or lowness of a sound or note.
If the pitch of one note is higher than another, it will be written higher up on the staff. And if one note’s pitch is lower than another’s, it will be written lower down on the staff.


You’ll be happy to find you only need the first seven letters of the
alphabet for music.
The Music Alphabet uses A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. You’ll never find an
“H” in music, or a “Q”, or anything other than A through G. After G, the pattern begins again with A. Notes on leger lines or spaces are named the same way.


1.     LEGER/LEDGER LINES:- When a note goes beyond the range of the staff (higher or lower), small horizontal lines are used to show where the staff would be if it had more than five lines and four spaces. These are called Leger Lines (sometimes spelled “ledger lines”).

2.     A SPACE NOTE:- is any note which rests within a space of the staff without crossing over a line.

3.     A-LINE NOTE:- is any note split through the middle by a line.

4.     WEBSTER’S DEFINITION OF PITCH:- The property of a sound and especially a musical tone that is determined by the frequency of the waves producing it.

5.     PITCH IN MUSIC:-  What Pitch means in music is the highness or lowness of a sound or note. If the pitch of one note is higher than another, it will be written higher up on the staff. And if one note’s pitch is lower than another’s, it will be written lower down on the staff.

6.     The music alphabet uses A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
